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ISIN code: PLWRWCK00013
Abbreviation: SECOGROUP (SWG)
Market listed: Main Market 5 PLUS
Trading system: Continual trading
Sector: Electroengineering




The Public Offering was divided into:

  • an Individual Investors Tranche, in which the Issuer offered 570,000 shares of Series B Stock,
  • an Institutional Investors Tranche, in which the Issuer and Stockholders offered 585,803 shares of Series B Stock and no more than 1,661,426 shares of Sold Stock, respectively,
  • a Closed Tranche, in which Selling Stockholders offered no more than 25,000 shares of Sold Stock to employees of the Issuer’s Group.

Summary of Public Offering of SECO/WARWICK S.A. Stock

The allotment of shares in the public offering of SECO/WARWICK S.A. took place on 26 November 2007. Investors were allotted 1,155,803 shares of Series B stock (all newly issued shares) and 1,528,868 shares of Series A stock sold by the selling stockholders.

In the Individual Investor Tranche subscriptions were placed for a total of 272,442 shares of Series B Stock, out of 570,000 shares of Series B Stock offered in this tranche. Series B stock was allotted to the investors according the subscriptions filed, and the unsubscribed shares of Series B Stock were moved to the Institutional Investors Tranche.

In the Closed Tranche investors subscribed for 17,598 shares of Series A Stock, out of 25,000 shares of Series A Stock offered in this tranche. As provided in the prospectus, the unsubscribed shares of Series A Stock were moved to the Institutional Investors Tranche.

In the Institutional Investors Tranche, investors subscribed for all of the 2,247,229 Offered Shares provided for in this tranche. Additionally, out of the total of 304,960 Offered Shares moved to this tranche from the Individual Investors Tranche and the Closed Tranche, investors subscribed for 147,402 Offered Shares. Overall, in the Institutional Investors Tranche, on 26 November 2007 a total of 2,394,631 Offered Shares were allotted, including 883,361 shares of Series B Stock and 1,511,270 shares of Series A Stock.

The issue price for SECO/WARWICK S.A. shares was set at PLN 37, where the price range was PLN 35–45.

Existing shares were offered by SW Poland Holding, an entity controlled by 5 company managers, and by Spruce Holding LLC, an entity controlled by the company’s CEO, then holding 61.74% and 25.89% of the shares, respectively. After the offering, their holdings fell to 43.04% and 18.03%, respectively, and new shareholders took up 38.93% of the shares.

The stock market debut of SECO/WARWICK S.A. shares and share rights took place on 5 December 2007.

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