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CuproBraze furnace systems

Double layer of radiatorsbeing brazed in a SECO/WARWICK CuproBraze® furnace

CuproBraze furnace systems


PROCESS: The CuproBraze® process is a brazing process specifically developed for the manufacturing of automotive and heavy-duty industrial heat exchangers. By using high strength copper alloys it is possible to manufacture light, strong, efficient and compact heat exchangers at a low cost with this environmentally friendly, lead-free process. The brazing of CuproBraze® radiators uses a non-toxic low temperature melting alloy that works well in a nitrogen based controlled atmosphere furnace. The brazing material is lead free and there is no post-braze treatment required, such as rinsing. Binders and braze alloys can be applied to the tubes, fin tips or headers by spraying, brushing or rolling. After brazing, the brazed copper-brass joints are significantly stronger than the solder metal and do not suffer from galvanic corrosion. Developed for this process, anneal resistant header, fin and tube materials assure the strength of the products.



Model                  Length Width Height
C-121204 1200mm(48 in.) 1200mm(48 in.) 400mm(I6 in.)
C-151204 1500mm(60 in.) 1200mm(48 in.) 400mm(I6 in.)
C-151504 1500mm(60 in.) 1500mm(60 in.) 400mm(16 in.)
C-181806 1800mm(72 in.) 1800mm(72 in.) 600mm(24 in.)


cuprobraze furnances two chamber

Two Chamber CuproBraze® Batch Furnace


STANDARD FURNACES: SECO/WARWICK can provide either a two or three chamber CuproBraze@ Fumace System. The two chamber pictured to the left is a front-loading furnace with a pur ging/ cooling vestibule and a convection heating chamber. The furnace is a compact design With an internal recirculation fan and cooling blower that uses minimal tloor space (8mx8m). The heating system consists of a high pressure, high velocity recirculation fan passing the heated atmosphere over heating elements to provide optimum flow of nitrogen through the workload to obtain the tight temperature unifonnity required for this process. At the operating temperatures of the furnace, convection heating is the quickest way of transferring heat to the workload.


cuprobraze furnances three chamber

Three Chamber Semi- Continuous CuproBraze® Furnace


CONTINUOUS FURNACE SYSTEMS: SECO/WARWICK has developed a large volume, continuous operating CuproBraze® furnace line. The system consists of a Convection Brazing Fumace, Water Jacketed Cooling Chamber Assembly, Air Blast Station and ACCUBRAZE® PLC Computer Control System. The heart of the system, the Convection Brazing Furnace, is split into multiple conrtrol zones. Each zone is equipped with direct fired, high velocity burners that are mounted horizontally above and below the muffle, and a variable speed fan. The SECO/WARWICK design allows continuous brazing of various sized loads and is specifically recommended for diversified production.


cuprobraze furnance

Continuous Operating CuproBraze® Furnace

CONTROLS: A PLC based control system is responsible for temperature control, sequencing and logic required for the system with the option of adding SECO/WARWICK`s ACCUBRAZE® computer controls to enhance the interfacing between the operator and the PLC.


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