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/Heat Treatment for Other Industries

Heat Treatment for Other Industries


Other applications

Other important industries that actively take advantage of the solutions offered by SECO/WARWICK include medicine (manufacturing of medical instruments, implants, biomedical engineering), the tool industry (dies, aluminum profiles), and 3D printing (prototypes, metal powders, additive manufacturing). Each year, the number of applications for SECO/WARWICK Group equipment grows because engineers work to ensure that it meets the needs of the changing market. Because of this fact, the list of industries with which the Group cooperates always stays open.


/ Vacuum furnaces for the other industries

PARTS: gears, teering elements,fuel installation, heat exchanger, tools & dies, machine parts, hydraulic parts, holder/clamps

TECHNOLOGY: annealing, brazing, sintering, forging, hardening HPGQ, hardening OilQ, tempering, vacuum carburizing, vacuum nitriding, diffusion bonding, brazing aluminum, FNC ferritic nitrocarburizing, nitriding

single chamber vacuum furnace

Vacuum furnace with HPGQ – Vector®

PARTS: gears
TECHNOLOGY: annealing, sintering, tempering, brazing, hardening, low pressure carburizing & nitriding (LPC & LPN), solution heat treating
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, fasteners, machinery, medical, mint, powder metals, science and R&D, tools & dies, industrial gas turbines, airconditioning supply


single chamber vacuum furnace

Vector High Vacuum Furnace

PARTS: steering elements
TECHNOLOGY: brazing, annealing, normalizing, homogenizing, stress relief, solution heat treating, aging, quenching, diffusion bonding, outgassing, sintering, tempering

INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, fasteners, machinery, medical, mint, powder metals, science and R&D, industrial gas turbines, airconditioning supply


Vacuum furnace for metals heat treatment after additive manufacturing 3D

Vacuum furnace for metals heat treatment after additive manufacturing – Vector 3D

TECHNOLOGY:  debinding, sintering
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, fasteners, machinery, medical, mint, powder metals, science and R&D,


Sealed Quench Furnace CaseMaster Evolution

Sealed quench vacuum furnaces for low pressure carburizing – CaseMaster Evolution®

PARTS: fuel installation
TECHNOLOGY: hardening with oil quench or gas quench, low pressure carburizing using FineCarb® with oil or gas quench, high-temperature carburizing up to 1050°C using PreNitLPC® for common case hardening steels, carbonitriding, bright thorough hardening, oxidation in the pre-heating chamber, annealing (with gas cooling), tempering, quenching, brazing
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, fasteners, machinery, medical, mint, powder metals, science and R&D, tools & dies


Sealed Quench Furnace CaseMaster Evolution

Triple chamber vacuum furnace for low pressure carburizing – CaseMaster Evolution® T

PARTS: heat exchanger
TECHNOLOGY:case hardening LPC, quenching, brazing, annealing
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, fasteners, machinery, medical, mint, powder metals, science and R&D, tools & dies, industrial gas turbines, airconditioning supply


Integral Quench Furnace

Integral Quench Furnace - Super IQ

PARTS: tools & dies
TECHNOLOGY: vacuum carbururizing
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, fasteners, machinery, powder metals


Sealed Quench Furnace CaseMaster Evolution

Single piece flow vacuum system – UniCase Master®

PARTS: tubes
TECHNOLOGY: precision case hardening, vacuum carburizing
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, machinery, powder metals, science and R&D


4d Quench

Vacuum system for single-piece nitrogen quenching - 4D QUENCH®

PARTS: machine parts
TECHNOLOGY: bright hardening (High Pressure Gas Quench)
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, machinery, powder metals, science and R&D


UniCase Master Custom

The custom vacuum system for low pressure carburizing – UniCase Master® Custom

PARTS: hydraulic parts
TECHNOLOGY: low pressure carburizing, bright hardening (High Pressure Gas Quench), bright annealing, vacuum brazing
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, machinery, powder metals, science and R&D, airconditioning supply


pit lpc vacuum furnace

Pit - LPC

TECHNOLOGY: gas carburizing
INDUSTRIES: defense, fabricated metal products, fasteners, machinery, medical, mint, powder metals, science and R&D


/ Vacuum melting furnaces for the aerospace industry

PARTS: castings

TECHNOLOGY: equiax casting, directional solidification, single crystal casting, plasma arc melting, vacuum arc remelting, electron beam melting

INDUSTIRIES: defense, R&D, addictive manufacturing, refactory metals industry, medical, steel and titanium industry.

Vacuum Induction Melting by SECOWARWICK Group

Vacuum Induction Melting (VIM)

PARTS: castings
TECHNOLOGY: cold wall induction casting
INDUSTRY: defence


Plasma Arc Melting by SECOWARWICK Group

Plasma Arc Melting (PAM)

PARTS: ingot production and refining to achieve high purity material
TECHNOLOGY: plasma arc melting
INDUSTRY: refractory metals industry


Vacuum Arc Remeling by SECOWARWICK Group

Vacuum Arc Melting (VAR)

PARTS: remelting of steel, titanium ingots to achieve high purity
TECHNOLOGY: vacuum arc remelting
INDUSTRY: steel and titanium industry


Vacuum Induction Melting (VIM) LAB by SECO/WARWICK

Vacuum Induction Melting (VIM) LAB

PARTS: turbine blades for jet engine, gas turbine blades, castings
TECHNOLOGY: equiax casting, directional solidification, single crystal casting


Electron Beam Melting by SECO/WARWICK Group

Electron Beam Melting (EB)

PARTS: ingot, bar, refining to achieve high purity material
TECHNOLOGY: electron beam melting
INDUSTRY: refractory metals industry


/ CAB furnaces for other industries

PARTS: aluminium heat exchangers: radiators, condensers, evaporators, CACs, WCACs, oil coolers, heater cores, battery coolers, stationary condensers,heat sink plates

TECHNOLOGY: contolled atmosphare brazing


Universal CAB Batch

PARTS: aluminium heat exchangers – oil coolers
TECHNOLOGY: controlled ctmosphare brazing
INDUSTRIES: defense and off road machines, industrial equipment, HVAC


CAB Controlled Atmosphere Brazing furnace

Semi – Continuous Brazing Furnaces for Aluminum

PARTS: aluminum heat exchangers WCACs, heater cores, battery coolers
TECHNOLOGY: contolled atmosphare brazing
INDUSTRIES: defense and off road machines, industrial equipment, HVAC


Sealed Quench Furnace CaseMaster Evolution

Continuous Brazing Furnaces for Aluminum EV/CAB

PARTS: aluminum heat exchangers evaporators, CACs
TECHNOLOGY: contolled Atmosphare brazing
INDUSTRIES: defense and off road machines, industrial equipment, HVAC


/ Atmosphere furnaces for other industries

PARTS: steel,  crankshafts and camshafts, bushings, valve springs, suspension springs, piston rings and pins, gears and toothed shafts, hydraulic pump components

TECHNOLOGY:  carburizing, nitrocarburizing, hardening, tempering,  gas nitriding, controlled atmosphere hardening, nitrocarburizing and carburizing

Sealed Quench Furnace CaseMaster Evolution

Gas Nitriding Furnace ZeroFlow

PARTS: bushings, pins, shafts, rings, cylinders, cutting tools, forging dies, die inserts, plastic injection moulding screws, aluminium die casting elements, aluminium profile extrusion moulds, press moulds, moulding fittings, etc.
TECHNOLOGY: gas nitriding
INDUSTIRES:  machine building industry, tool industry


Mesh belt atmosphere heat treatment

Mesh Belt type furnaces

PARTS: steel
TECHNOLOGY: controlled atmosphere hardening, nitrocarburizing and carburizing
INDUSTRIES: bearing, fasteners, agricultural


Roller Hearth

Roller hearth furnace for atmosphere heat treatment

PARTS: steel
TECHNOLOGY: annealing, hardening, preheat, normalizing, stress relieving
INDUSTRIES: bearing, fasteners, agricultural


Laboratory Furnace

Laboratory Furnace for fire resistance tests

PARTS: construction materials.building materials
TECHNOLOGY: Fire resistance test
INDUSTIRES: construction industry, technical Institutes


/ Aluminum furnaces for other industries

PARTS:  coils and foils, sheet, castings, tubes and extrusions, castings, aluminum plate, aluminum forgings, aluminum extrusions, billet preheating

TECHNOLOGY: solution HT, aging, annealing, stress relieving, nonferrous melting, extrusion scrap melting, shredded scrap melting, return scrap melting, holding nonferrous melting, extrusion scrap melting, shredded scrap melting, return scrap melting, holding nonferrous melting, extrusion scrap melting, shredded scrap melting, return scrap melting, holding


Aluminum Coil Annealing Furnace - Vortex®

PARTS: coils and foils
TECHNOLOGY: annealing, homogenizing
INDUSTRIES: bulding, packaging


Solution and Aging furnace

Continuous Aluminum Solution Heat Treatment and Aging

PARTS: castings, aluminum plate, aluminum forgings, aluminum extrusions, billet preheating
TECHNOLOGY: solution HT, aging
INDUSTRIES: foundries, building


meltingand holding furnace

Melting & Holding Furnaces for Aluminum

TECHNOLOGY:nonferrous melting, extrusion scrap melting, shredded scrap melting, return scrap melting, holding
INDUSTRIES: aluminium, primary and secondary aluminum


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